Sunday, December 9, 2007

Snow Day in Southern CA!

Check out our "Winter Wonderland" next door! Our neighbors had a party and decided to create a snowy scene in their front yard...very cool. The snow didn't melt because of the cold weather we've been having, so they said the neighborhood kids were welcome to play in it until it's gone. We had so much fun! Those of you who live in snowy areas are probably thinking "Big deal!" but my kids have only played in snow once before. We busted out our sand toys and they did it all -- attempted snow angels, threw snow balls, ate the snow, etc. Keep in mind that this was day-old manufactured snow, so it was very icy and hard, but my kids didn't know the difference! No complaints, just a perfect winter playground!


Heidi said...

That is CRAZY and so fun for your kids! I figured you had just driven up to the mountains when I saw the picture. I didn't know people really did that. Did they have a party or want snow for their Christmas picture or what? So, how cold was it? What was the temp? It's freezing here today!

Heidi said...

Okay, now I feel dumb. I must have missed the whole party part. Your kids all look SO cute and not what they're used to!

Kate said...

So, your neighbors weren't kidding about bringing snow to their home! Wow! You kids even have snow hats and gloves?- they look so cute & cozy! What a fun time!!

MEB said...

Okay, so I had to laugh...if you want snow come to Utah! We got about 8 inches over the weekend. It's crazy! I like snow around Christmas then I am done. I think I will have to plan a lot of trips to Florida in Jan and Feb. The kids look like they were having a great time, that is fun for them.

Poppy said...

So much fun...we've been having the real thing here and lots of it.

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

How fun! Did you get out the innertubes?

wendyann said...

At first I was like, "WHAT it snowed at their house??" How fun for your kids!! It snowed lots here today. Right now it is 6 degrees out. Yes.. 6.

MOM/Kandy said...

Wow! I knew they were manufacturing snow, but not THAT much! Nice, right next door! Okay next to next door!

rebecca said...

How fun! How did you neighbors get snow? I bet your kids were just in Heaven!

Angela said...

Wow, that is way cool. I bet your kids had a blast! Thanks for the Christmas card! I'll have to add you to my blog, and get some tips, you are like a professional...I'm impressed! Hope you have a great Christmas!

Nicole said...

Love it! What a treat! That was nice of them to share. My kids have only been in the snow twice so I know what you mean. They would be thrilled with something like that.