Monday, December 17, 2007

O Christmas Tree & Good Memories

We assembled our faux Christmas tree a few days after Thanksgiving, but the poor thing has been waiting patiently to be fluffed and adorned for weeks now! We finally got around to decorating it for Family Night tonight. Brady had fallen asleep early and Holly was in bed, so it was just me and the girls pulling out and hanging ornaments while Daddy looked on. It was so nice to be able to decorate the tree without interruptions. Our tree is beautiful and it is officially Christmas at our house now!
This year I got a 4 foot tree for Erin and Jenna's room and they were thrilled to be able to decorate it with all the ornaments I didn't need for our main tree. They think they're so cool to have a Christmas tree in their room! And it's PINK!
Every year Erin enjoys digging through the box of ornaments and hearing about where each one came from, who it belongs to, who made it, etc. Tonight she told me that she loves decorating the tree "because of all the good memories it gives you." :)


MEB said...

So cute! I love both the trees. I can relate to Erin. I love going home and seeing my parents tree with all the family ornaments. It brings back so many memories.

Alan and Brandi Cotton said...

Jenna told me she loves the ordinances because they bring back memberies of last year too.

Poppy said...

ooh! Gracie would love to have a pink Christmas tree. Looks beautiful!

Kate said...

Your tree looks beautiful!- Especially with E&J hugging beside it, warmed by the fireplace. Yes, in our home, it's definitely a Mom & Children bonding activity to decorate the tree while Husband/Daddy admires.

We have a 3 foot Christmas tree in our kitchen with cookie cutters as ornaments, and I thought that was pretty unique. I can't get over the pink Christmas tree! I've never seen such a thing! They look so thrilled to have their own PINK tree in their room! That is very cool. A&H will love to come see it!

Erin's statement sums up what these family traditions are all about. I love that she recognizes it enough to declare it.

Heidi said...

So pretty! Your mantle looks so Christmasy, too! I can't believe you had it up that long without decorating it. My kids would have driven me crazy begging to decorate it. Love th pink one, too. My girls will be quite jealous when they see that one. Every year they all (even Davis) beg for things I don't need so they can decorate their bedrooms. I should invest in some mini trees...they would absolutely go crazy over that!

Juli said...

Love the pink tree! Merry Christmas & hope to see you soon, miss you!!!

MOM/Kandy said...

You may have starting a new tradition. Like a TV in every room, now it may also be a Christmas Tree in every room. :)

Love, MOM

Nicole said...

That seems to be a new trend - tree in the bedroom, I mean. I've encountered quite a few people who are doing that. How fun! i've never seen a pink one though. Cool!

The Marielle (and Parents) Show said...

Hey GInger! It's Mary Karlee formerly Sycamore Mullen! I saw Katie last week and had a great time catching up down at the Wild Animal Park and she told she'd email a link to your blog. Your family is adorable! What beautiful children. Where exactly are you guys living? We are in texas now and have one little girl. Feel free to check out our blog too (