Monday, September 3, 2007

Cherry Pie Celebration!

I'm pretty sure it was my mom who started this tradition in my family growing up--whenever any of us kids gave a talk in church we got to choose a special dessert for that night. I remember most often choosing homemade carmel popcorn. I have continued this tradition in my own family and because Erin gave a talk at her cousin Graham's baptism, we got to have a celebration for Family Night! She decided we should have cherry pie and vanilla ice cream...I don't know where she got this idea since she's never had cherry pie before, but I was willing to make it for her. Wendy went to the grocery store to buy a can of cherry pie filling, but it wasn't until she got home that I realized we needed TWO cans! Oops! To solve the problem of not enough cherries for a 9" pie, I placed a bottom pie crust in a small dish, poured in the cherries, & then folded the sides of the crust around to create a cherry pie tart. Perfect! The kids thought it LOOKED cool, but as it turned out, Erin & I were the only ones who would actually EAT the cherries. Jenna and Brady were only interested in the vanilla ice cream and the pie crust. Oh least we were all in agreement that Erin gave a great talk worthy of a Celebration!

1 comment:

S.Miles said...

I love reading your blog. You are on top of it girl!! Glad to finally find a way to keep in touch. Your kids are as beautiful as ever-just like you. Motherhood is VERY kind to you. Love the Cherry Pie FHE. We are lucky if we even remember that its Monday night. :P