Friday, April 4, 2008

the Great Race!

tomorrow's the big day! at 7:30am I'm running in the Agoura Great Race 5k, my very first race ever! I'm so NOT a runner and I've only been "training" (besides what many people have told me with a little chuckle, I most certainly DO need to train for a 3 mile race, thank you very much!!) for about 3 weeks. yikes! what am I thinking?? I'm thinking that it will be fun and great exercise, right? my friend Rebecca gave me the idea first and now I'm hearing about tons people I know who will also be running, so it sounds like there will be a lot of familiar faces.
Jason is also running the 5k, but I told him I don't want to run "with" him. I don't want to run beside anyone I know. I don't want to feel like I'm holding anyone back or (and I doubt this will be a problem) I don't want to BE held back by anyone. I want to feel free run at my own pace, that's all. I'm sure it would be special to cross the finish line as a couple and all, but oh well!
I wanted to have a goal for the 5k, so here's mine: I want to finish in 30 minutes or less. I'm not even sure that's realistic, but that's an average of 10 minutes per mile. surely I can do that, right? thinking positive thoughts......
wish me luck and I'll post my time tomorrow.


Poppy said...

You go girl! I was going to run in a 5K tomorrow as well...I've been sort of training, but it just didn't work out. I have to pick Danny up from the airport tomorrow and he wasn't going to be here to watch the kids. I'm definitely going to do one this year, though. I will be anxious to see you time. 30 minutes is quite an ambitious goal...I was pacing myself at 15 minute miles. Good luck!

Juli said...

Good luck tomorrow!!Another runner friend, what am i going to do now!!

Jason said...

Ginge, you ran a great race and you finished at 30 (at least this leg of the race). You didn't let anyone hold you back, but you definitely helps countless others along your way. You broke the tape first in our family and we look forward to seeing you when we cross the line and giving you a huge Ginger-style victory hug on the other side of the finish line. Until then, we know you will be watching us, cheering us on.